Chromacopia, CAST, 2021 image courtesy Kate Turner
An illuminated cabinet of colourful artefacts
Chromacopia, CAST, 2021 image courtesy Kate Turner
A selection of red-themed items
Chromacopia, CAST, 2021 image courtesy Kate Turner
Children mix their own natural pigments
Chromacopia, CAST, 2021 image courtesy Kate Turner

CAST’s Art Lab learning programme for schools returned in October 2021, with a bright new workshop on the theme of colour, Chromacopia – ‘chroma’ meaning colour, and ‘copia’ meaning abundance. The workshop introduced the science behind colour perception, the role colour plays in nature and the value, and power of colour in communication and art throughout time.

Our black box screening space was transformed into an immersive environment for experimentation and play, at the centre of which was a specially commissioned animation by Kate Turner, exploring a vibrant spectrum of meanings associated with colour and its role in history and nature.

Schools were offered the option of two practical workshops: laboratory paint making from earth, mineral and organic materials or art studio printmaking (exploring colour mixing with trichromatic mono printing).

Thirteen classes visited the building over the course of two weeks – a total of nearly 400 children.