A soundsystem and a film playing in an orange room
'Soundsystem', Mark Leckey, courtesy the artist.

Mark Leckey’s Music & Video Lab will be a space for experimentation and discovery through video editing, music production and digital media, led by Turner Prize-winning artist Mark Leckey and artist/music producer Liam Jolly, taking place at Auction House in Redruth throughout June 2022.

For the past couple of years, I have been trying to get off the ground a school or short course, teaching music and video editing to school leavers / young adults. The idea being to introduce them to sophisticated techniques for creating digital images and sound that would allow them to go on to make music videos, documentaries, artists’ moving image, or enhanced Tik Tok or YouTube material.

Mark Leckey

We are delighted that support from Arts Council England has enabled us to help realise the first stage of this vision here in Cornwall.

We are recruiting locally for eight participants between the ages of 18 and 24. We are looking for young people who are keen to engage in a course that offers four weeks of access to a space where they can be taught by established musicians and producers on equipment unavailable to them in a domestic setting. If you would like to know more or think you have someone in mind who you could recommend for this exceptional opportunity please take a look at our Application Form which includes information about the proposed timetable and who we are looking for. If you have any questions about the programme, please get in touch with Liam by emailing [email protected].

The deadline for applications is 10am on Monday 16th May.

The Lab sessions are part of a programme of activities and initiatives for artists and young people, devised by CAST and supported by public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.