Taika Waititi’s 2016 award winning film combines comedy and adventure. The film follows the exploits of 13-year-old foster child Ricky Baker who, after years of rejection, gets a fresh start in the New Zealand countryside with Bella and Hector. Just as the warm and loving Bella begins to break down Ricky’s defences with down-to-earth affectionate mockery, tragedy strikes, threatening to ship Ricky to yet another home. In a desperate move, Ricky and the somewhat taciturn Hector go on the run in the bush, sparking a major manhunt by the authorities during which the two rejected loners gradually find a kinship.
Katharine Heron is emeritus professor of architecture at the University of Westminster where she founded Ambika P3, the experimental art space. She has now returned to live in Zennor with her New Zealander husband.
To book please call CAST Café during opening hours (Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm) on 01326 569267 or email [email protected] and a member of the Café team will be in touch.
The screening space will be laid out to ensure social distancing between households or bubbles. To maximise the number of people we can accommodate it would be very helpful if you could book as a group. Please let us know as soon as possible if there are any changes to your numbers (cancellations made less than 48 hours before the event cannot be refunded).