Image of Gweek taken from Guide Me, Teresa Gleadowe, 2024.
Image of Gweek with Guide Me in the foreground, 2024.
Image of Helston taken from CAST's roof, 2024

Local residents and CAST regulars John and Sarah Warwick will lead an informal social walk tracing the route between Helston and Gweek, which once served as a port for the town.

You are invited to gather at CAST from 10am for a 10.30am departure from outside the Café. Bring a packed lunch or buy lunch to take with you from CAST Café. There is also a pub and a very good village shop at Gweek. We estimate the walk from CAST to Gweek will take 2.5 hours, and you are welcome to make arrangements for return travel, or return on foot to CAST with John and Sarah after a refreshment break.

The walk will be muddy and there are several stiles, and one major road crossing on the route. Participants should wear suitable footwear and clothing (wellingtons are recommended). We won’t be put off by a bit of drizzle, but in the event of extreme rain or wind the walk may be rescheduled the following weekend.

This activity is part of Golden October, a weekend of creativity celebrating the renewal of CAST’s roofs. This significant programme of work, along with many of CAST’s learning activities during 2023 and 2024, has been made possible by funding by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Some renovations will continue through the winter months, but, at this important milestone, we want to invite the whole community to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of the investment in this special heritage building – a place for art, culture and learning that is open to all.

Saturday 26 October 2024 Gather from 10am at CAST for a 10.30am departure

Booking essential

