The second in this occasional series of screenings presents animated short films with a focus on dark humour. The programme will feature animations by Ted Parmelee, Phil Mulloy, Wolfgang & Christian Lauenstein, Jan Švankmajer, Luis Cook and Sylvain Chomet. The films approach themes ranging from the absurd to the grotesque and are drawn together by their reliance on strong imagery rather than spoken dialogue – a clear parallel with the techniques employed in narrative painting.
The programme has been selected by CAST studio artist Nicola Bealing, who will give a short introduction to the films.
CAST Café will serve food from 6.30pm, something hot and something sweet for £6.
The public programme at CAST is supported by Arts Council England, as part of the Groundwork programme 2016-18, which has been awarded Ambition for Excellence funding. Ambition for Excellence is a new programme aimed at stimulating and supporting ambition, talent and excellence across the arts sector in England. The fund aims to have significant impact on the growth of an ambitious international-facing arts infrastructure, especially outside London.