Stephane Rouget at the walled garden, CAST-Off August 2020

Serpentine shaping, granite bashing and paper making.

There’s no Ben’s Den today so visit the walled garden at Penrose to see stonemason Stephane Rouget demonstrating how to square off and dress a block of rough granite using traditional tools. Don Taylor will have serpentine for children to shape and polish and there’ll be paper making in the morning, and watercolour painting in the afternoon. 

There’s more to come every Tuesday and Saturday, including sessions on kite making, pinch pottery, cyanotypes and granite bashing.

We won’t be put off by a bit of drizzle and hope you won’t either, but please check this listing or the CASTCornwall facebook page on the day in case of extreme weather or last-minute changes. Tuesday and Saturday sessions will run from 10am to 12 noon and 2 to 4pm.

The map, sketchbook packs and artist-led activities are all offered free of charge, but we should be very grateful for donations to support this programme and future activities for children and young people. Online donations can be made via our Charities Aid Foundation page and there will be donation jars in the walled garden.

The CAST-Off programme is supported by the Garcia Family Foundation, with generous assistance from Helston Town Council, Little Parc Owles Trust, FEAST and Falmouth University. 

Saturday 21 August 2021 10am - 12 noon and 2 - 4pm Free activities

All welcome

Pick up an activity map, sketchbook and pencil from CAST Café on Penrose Road, at the Stables Café, at Ben’s Den, or at artist-led sessions.