Ben's Den, CAST-Off, August 2020
Cardboard sculpture at Ben's Den, CAST-Off, August 2020
Image © Lucy Grant and CAST, 2020
Ben's Den, CAST-Off, August 2020
People paddling in a stream
Boat racing, CAST-Off, August 2020

Discover how to see with your ears or collect natural materials for boat building.

See with your ears! Meet artist Bronwen Buckeridge in the meadow by Carminowe Creek and use all your senses to tune in to what’s around you. Bronwen will show you how to make a simple ear trumpet to listen with and will guide you on a sound walk. Meet in the beautiful meadow by Carminowe Creek on the east side of the Loe.

In the morning Lucy Grant will be leading activities at Cober Camp, where you can have a go at boat building using bits of fallen wood, bark, twigs and leaves. Look out for things to collect along your way through the Cober woods. There could also be games of pooh sticks! (You’ll find a sign to Cober Camp near the footbridge from Mill Lane).

In the afternoon, from 1 to 4pm, Lucy will be at the lakeside in Degibna woods, making little sailing boats to catch the breeze on the Loe.

For both Bronwen’s listening walks and Lucy’s lakeside boat-building you can walk along the Penrose footpath to the left from the Helston Fairground Car Park and follow the signs in Degibna Woods (walking distance approximately 2 kilometres, 35-40 minutes), or park at the National Trust car park near the Degibna Prayer Chapel and walk down to Carminowe.

Ben Sanderson is joined in his den by sculptor Amy Morgan this Tuesday and Saturday. They’ll have cardboard tubes for making temporary artworks in the woods. (There are signs from Lowertown to bring you to the right spot.)

The CAST-Off programme is presented with the generous support of The Garcia Family Foundation, with assistance from Arts Council England, Cornwall Heritage Trust, Feast and Little Parc Owles Trust.


Saturday 22 August, 10am-12noon and 2pm-4pm Free activities

All welcome

Pick up an activity map, sketchbook and pencil from CAST in Helston, the Stables Café on Penrose Estate or Lakeside Café at Coronation Park.