Groundwork presents an exhibition of films by Manon de Boer and Ane Hjort Guttu.
Norwegian artist and filmmaker Ane Hjort Guttu’s How to Become a Non-Artist (2007) looks at small arrangements of everyday objects made by her four-year-old son and offers an in-depth commentary about these inadvertent works of art, which are gradually turning more unnoticeable, until they end up as “readymades”.
Dutch artist and filmmaker Manon de Boer’s The Untroubled Mind is made up of a collection of images of her son’s constructions, filmed over a period of three years. The duration of each shot is around 20 seconds, the length of time you can film with a bolex 16mm camera when winding it manually.
Both films explore children’s approach to construction and making, speculating on the ways in which young children express themselves in their home environments.
The presentation of Ane Hjort Guttu’s work for Groundwork is supported by the Norwegian Embassy.
With a focus on place and an emphasis on moving image, sound and performance, the Groundwork season presents new commissions and sited work by internationally acclaimed artists in Cornwall. A changing programme of exhibitions and events unfolds from May to September – visit for more information.